Hi! I’m Kathy Meldrum, a graduate of T. Colin Campbell’s Plant-Based Nutrition Program at Cornell University and a licensed physical therapist with a master’s degree from our countries top ranked PT school, Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. I have been practicing physical therapy for over 20 years and I am the founder of Plant-Based PT which was created out of a desire to help those who were not getting the results they were looking for with traditional physical therapy.

As I was wondering what I could do to better help the patients that I was seeing, I came into my own health challenges including a bad case of rosacea, chronic fatigue, abdominal bloating and mood swings. After consulting with a couple of doctors and realizing the conventional medical model that I was used to, didn’t have the answers I was looking for, I discovered functional medicine and natural health. I was curious and excited about the information I was finding and tried what I was learning on myself while also working with a prominent functional medicine doctor. Not only did all of my symptoms begin to reverse, but other chronic conditions improved as well, such as low back pain, acne, painful menstrual cramps, a Morton’s neuroma, atypical migraines and a hamstring strain. I was experiencing in real time that creating health in the body creates a healthy body. And when you create a healthy body, not only will one symptom improve, they all will!

At Plant-Based PT we help you create a healthy body by integrating an anti-inflammatory diet, mindful movement and much needed daily support into our exercise prescription to maximize your results.

What you eat matters.

How you move matters.

Having adequate support matters.

We assist you with all of these because what we care about is you feeling better and getting back to the activities you love.


